Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hey guys! I know this is a little different than what I've been posting, but I am apart of the USA Jump Rope Federation, and someone from another team contacted me and asked me to watch this video and share it if I liked it :) So that's what I'm doing. This video shows a FRACTION of how hard us jumpers work to be good, and as successful as we are. Jump rope is definitely an underdog sport, but we work just as hard, or even harder to be the best that we can be. Also, clearly, we don't sing songs or just jump at recess at school, AND there are just as many guys that jump as girls, so it's not just a "girls sport." Some of the best jumpers are male. So if you could, just take the time to watch this, Sibu and myself would really appreciate it :) Thaaanks! <3 
So, I just got caught up in watching jump videos.. So here are some more :) Please watch them!! This sport needs to be recognized more! 
Summerwind Skippers!

Thanks for watching!

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